Speaker: Professor Greg Barton
Topic: ‘Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State movement: the rise of jihadi Islamist extremism and the global challenges facing the Muslim world and the west’
Chairperson: Quin Scalzo
To outstanding acclaim Monash University Professor Greg Barton Herb Feith Research Professor for the study of Indonesia, Director International, Global Terrorism Research Centre, Acting Director, Centre for Islam and the Modern World, Deputy UNESCO Chair in Interreligious and Intercultural Relations addressed the members and guests on a topic titled ‘Al Qaida and the Islam State Movement, the Rise of Jihadi Islamist Extremist Movement and the Global Challenge facing the Muslim world and the West’.
Greg covered a wide range of interests and issues in his all too short address but certainly one that raised the eyebrows of the gathered was his discussion relating to terrorists going for a so-called “soft target”, like a sporting venue, an entertainment venue or a public transport system. We saw what happened with public transport both in London and Madrid.
We saw what can happen with those soft targets with the Westgate Shopping Mall attack in Nairobi last year and the siege in Mumbai in 2008 where just 10 guys using assault weapons killed more than 160 innocent people over three days. That kind of attack could and did happen in the Lindt Coffee Lounge in Sydney late last year and more attacks could take place now that assault weapons are not as hard to obtain as they used to be. Greg’s address was eagerly listened to, thoughtful, erudite and most concerning to the lay-back Australian way of life.
There is no doubt after listening to our prominent Guest Speaker the Australian society we have come to love and respect is fast changing to the distinct detriment of all who live in this Lucky Country.